Meditation in Tibet

tanka-padmasambhava1Let’s put our attention in our hearts, allow the laughter to flow into our hearts as well, lighten our minds. Remember, we can laugh ourselves to enlightenment. So we open our hearts, open our hearts, open our hearts. I have a being here who’s an old friend of mine, who wants to do the meditation. His name is Padma Sam Bhava.

Padma Sam Bhava I am. Some of you may know that I ...

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Meeting the helpers

divine-flameTake some deep breaths. Bring in divine light and cosmic love. We’ve had multidimensional activations. We reinforce them up to the 13th dimension. The energy of these activations now spreads into our light bodies of perfection. Crystalline lightbodies pulsating with this divine light, this consciousness of the heavenly hosts.

Now see, feel, allow, imagine yourselves becoming light. Release all blockages to integrating this light, just blow them out. As you blow them out, ...

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Meditation on the Christed Energy

christ_lightThis is the beach where Jesus was with his disciples and they had been fishing all night and caught nothing. Jesus appeared and told them to throw their nets out into the sea, and when they pulled them in, they were full of fish. We have 2 energies to integrate here. The lesson is about faith and trust and trust in the self and the universe. Also in this place, Jesus had ...

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Meditation to activate lightbodies

images (7)So let’s activate our lightbodies. I’m sure most of you know now that the first rule of the New Paradigm phylosopy is that there are no rules, so if you want to lay down, feel free. So, this is not a competition on who can visualize the best or whatever. Don’t really force yourself to visualize anything. That just takes you away from the meditation. Some people can ...

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Earth Healing

MotherEarth (1)The physical body is composed of the components of the Earth : the minerals, the metals, the salts, etc. so when you finished with this physical body, it goes back to Mother Earth. Even the animals and insects still go back to the Earth. So, when your Mother is sick, the children are always sick. And Mother Earth has made the decision to become Whole. So we can help Her to ...

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Germain’s channeling Mastery

light-bodyI AM Germain. My Friends, Brothers and Sisters, as Germain, I come to speak with you about the subject of Mastery. Over the coming few days, we’ll all experience the changes of our energies. So this will be the results of the Merkaba meditations we will be doing and the rest of it will be due to the initiations or attunements that we will all receive.

Each ...

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Shamballa as a mantra


Get more and more comedy into the work. Have everybody laughing at themselves. And challenge the established control systems. I was invited to speak at this big UFO conference. So what I did was just make jokes. I got this friend of mine to do it with me: the energy of the Goddess skit. …

Swami Beyondananda—completely off the wall. If you ever get a chance, go see him. Hilarious. He ...

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Vywamus, Mahatma Energy

tumblr_mawuj5pYBE1rddrwyo1_1280So I would start again with the same words, I am Vywamus. Many of you would wonder who Vywamus is….or who I Vywamus am…..many of you have heard of Sanat Kumara your planetary logos….and I Vywamus am a cosmic aspect of Sanat Kumara…I say a cosmic aspect because if I really try to explain to you what this cosmic aspect is or this higher aspect, its very easy ...

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393947main_image_1492_946-710Good morning this is Modra, I come with good news, for some anyhow!!I am from the Andromida system, I have been working with this one for some time now, not many have heard of me on earth. I will tell you who I Am. I Modra first came into contact with this channel about 5 and a half years back your time. When he went to live in Scotland I ...

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Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael Cutting the Ties

Channeled by Haridas

Location: Mt. Shasta 9 day intensive … October 1998

Angel-ReadingsI am Michael the Archangel. Greetings to you One and All. It is a pleasure and an honor to be with you. I would speak with you about some of what being an archangel means. There was a time when there wasn’t many archangels. Yes, there were some, but their ...

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