Channelling the spokesperson of the Confederation of the Free Worlds

images (7)Channelling the spokesperson  of the Confederation of the Free Worlds by Hari Babba

There is one thing that I feel the need to be said here. It is a very important message, not only for the people in this room but also for everybody on planet Earth. The basis of this message is: Never, never, ever try to give your power away to something outside of yourself.

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Clearance meditation and integration of the lightbody

4th October 2000, Hari Das

6a00d8349ca72c53ef017742b79e83970d-800wiWe will start with working with the breath so I like you to take deep breaths. And as you take these deep breaths just start breathing in the love, breathing in the light. And as this love and this love and light flows into you just see, feel, allow, imagine it flowing into your physical body. Flowing right through your cellular structure. So as it flows into ...

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Sananda life in Palestine

sananda_kumara1I am Sananda. I am the being that is known also as Jesus the Christ. This time of year in the calendar of the beings that follow the philosophy known as Christianity this is an important time. Many ones celebrate my supposed death on the cross. Mother Mary told you yesterday that my crucifixion was not something that just happened by accident. The fact that the plan had been ...

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Rainbow warriors



Welcome Rainbow Warriors. The greeting may surprise you, but do you know where the term “Rainbow Warriors” comes from? Those that are know as Rainbow Warriors are the ones which have their complete chakra system integrated. The ones whose chakras, those spinning shields of living light that shine with all the colours of the rainbow and further harmonics of the colours of the rainbow , those that ...

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Metatron and The Microtron

images (4)I am Metatron, Archangel of Light. I come to you with congratulations. I come to you with blessings and love. For now all of you present have really activated the ascension energies, not only within your four body system, but within your twelve body system. These energies will now continue to work until you achieve your personal ascension. Those of you that run ascension groups, we of course, the Lords ...

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Mother Mary 03.04.99


ourladyoffatima1I am Mary, sometimes known as Mother Mary, sometimes known as Isis, sometimes known as Quan Yin. I am the goddess the female aspect of the creative energy. Many of you present will relate to me as the mother of Jesus of the mother of Sananda, understand that Jesus, Jesusґ true name is Sananda. It is true that in many ways I was the mother of Jesus during the time ...

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Mother Mary


MotherMaryThis energy is flowing. We are beaming it, sending it to the material world in support of women. It is now very important that women achieve freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom in spiritual life and freedom from the manipulation and domination of the males of the species.

The female energy is very important at this time because of the imbalance of the masculine and feminine. This one, this channel, ...

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Quann Yin The yoga of laughter

471200_QuanYinWaters_8I am Quan Yin. The voice of Quan Yin is seldom channelled.

Many ones don’t even know who I am. I am the Chairlady of the Karmic Board. I am the Goddess of Compassion and the Goddess of Mercy, but also I would like to be known as the Goddess of Laughter, because I bring to you just a few short sentences which I would like you to listen to very ...

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