Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael Cutting the Ties

Channeled by Haridas

Location: Mt. Shasta 9 day intensive … October 1998

Angel-ReadingsI am Michael the Archangel. Greetings to you One and All. It is a pleasure and an honor to be with you. I would speak with you about some of what being an archangel means. There was a time when there wasn’t many archangels. Yes, there were some, but their ...

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Metatron and The Microtron

images (4)I am Metatron, Archangel of Light. I come to you with congratulations. I come to you with blessings and love. For now all of you present have really activated the ascension energies, not only within your four body system, but within your twelve body system. These energies will now continue to work until you achieve your personal ascension. Those of you that run ascension groups, we of course, the Lords ...

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