Mahatma activation

angelaffix[1]“The word Mahatma is a mantra with which to invoke the energy of The Rider of the White Horse, the Source. It is not the same Mahatma Madame Blavatsky and others have referred to in their writings, which is a Sanskrit word meaning “great soul.”




The Vibratory Action of “I Am”

When an individual says, “Mahatma.” he is invoking the creative/integrative attribute of the Source and is announcing Creation at his particular point of ...

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Vywamus, Mahatma Energy

tumblr_mawuj5pYBE1rddrwyo1_1280So I would start again with the same words, I am Vywamus. Many of you would wonder who Vywamus is….or who I Vywamus am…..many of you have heard of Sanat Kumara your planetary logos….and I Vywamus am a cosmic aspect of Sanat Kumara…I say a cosmic aspect because if I really try to explain to you what this cosmic aspect is or this higher aspect, its very easy ...

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Ascension meditation

archangel-jophiel-illuminating-the-ethers-glenyss-bourneASCENSION MEDITATION

I ask at this time that I be prepared for a higher level of Consciousness.

I ask at this time that I be prepared for initiation into the Higher Christ Consciousness.

I ask at this time that I be prepared to receive my full quotient of Mahatma Energy.

I ask that I be prepared to receive my maximum light quotient in every cell of my being.

I wish to lay myself at the feet of ...

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Israel, med 1

Prior to meditation

ezequiel_ametista1We have been in many ways through a strict and vigorous routine, which is you could say spiritual discipline. This whole place is a temple and of course this temple is of course the New Jerusalem. I, Sanandez used to do it in Jerusalem and argue with the Rabbis, I often used to point out to them that they had missed the point in the Atura, and that the Atura ...

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Mahatma Meditation



Let’s start with a few deep breaths, centre ourselves and quieten ourselves. With each in-breath feel yourselves being energised with the energies of Light and Love, and with each out-breath breathe out the stresses and strains of the day, the week, the life.

Centre yourself with your breaths, so now as you are breathing in just ask for permission from your Soul and your I Am Presence to carry on ...

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Melchizedek on Sacred Sites


Greetings to you, this is Melchizedek. I speak as one of the members of the Team who are here to assist each and every human being through the evolutionary stages of transformation, as the Earth and her peoples journey from matter into Light.

We have great joy in sharing with you, with you all, as progress in being made in no uncertain terms. And we have joy in ...

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Melchizedek 2


Can I ask you about this site in particular, we know so much of the work that is ahead for us here bringing in the wisdom of the stone beings and having the space here by placing them in their circle for other people to come and share their wisdom. Can you comment on anything else about the site? Any guidance on any other work that we might be ...

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space fantasy. starI am Melchizedek. The I am presence of this one. Welcome. I come to speak with you on the subject of coming into wholeness. I am here to speak with you on the subject of Melchizedek. Who is Melchizedek? What is Melchizedek? What is the order of Melchizedek? And also on the subjects of Earth working and Scotland, and also any others which I may deem to be ...

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The science of Merkaba

merkaba-ascension-vehicle1MERKABA 3

We will speak briefly on the Science of Merkaba.

The Science of Merkaba is becoming well know on your planet. There has been building, or ones have been building control systems around this science of merkabah. This control system has been built in a way that has caused many ones to believe that they cannot activate their star tetrahedrons to produce this merkabah without complicated ...

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