Stone Circle Meditation at Sillustani Puno, Peru

SacredGeometryThese standing stones are pre-Atlantean, and were put together to assist the stabilization of energy on the planet after the first 12 pyramids were constructed on earth. These are very, very early sacred places. Often the stones are aligned astrologically to bring in the energies of different star systems. Since we started in Peru, we have been stabilizing and clearing various energy points and reactivating them, so the memories of the Ancient ...

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Dromberg Stone Circle Meditation


This is one of the best stone circles in Ireland because it has a recumberant stone with ancient initiation points that is lying down. Usually these are only found in northern Scotland. There are only 2 or 3 of them in Ireland. This also tells us this is a very ancient Atlantean setup and has been used as a point for grounding the light since the dawn of time. Merlin asked John to ...

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