Wesak, Germain channeling on the planetary alignment on May 5

Germain channeling on the planetary alignment on May 5

180054_176936159015578_127815003927694_420555_2364092_nI AM Germain, Many words have already been spoken on this event, many have been gloom and doom  orientated, you must have heard some of them, possible pole shift is one, tidal waves is another, and of course the old favorite volcanoes, and tilting of the earths axis.

Rubbish I say none of it is true, the only possible thing to happen is a bit of ...

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Earth healing at Wesak

angel3Let’s just focus on this space above your head and just focus there into your twelfth chakra above your head.  And through that chakra feel that connection building with your I am presence to your higher self.  Lets just focus on that connection with our I am presence and allow the connection to mother/father Source and as we connect with Source just let us feel the silver, golden, violet energy, ...

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Wesak Meditation, 17.05.2011

purple_gold_buddha_headIt’s Wesak today, Buddha’s birthday. People celebrate all over the world, especially in Wesak Valley in the Himilayas. The Wesak moon allows for extremely easy interaction between multidimensional realities and 3D. It’s also a period where our ascended brothers and sisters are able to project an expanded Divine Light into 3D to lighten hearts and minds.

We will do an activation of this energy and fly merkaba airlines to ...

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