Womb of the Divine Mother Meditation

divine-motherWomb of the Divine Mother Meditation, channeled by John Armitage, Galbally, Ireland, May 20, 2011

This meditation occurred at a dolmen near Galbally, Ireland. Dolmens are stone initiation chambers and are energetic gateways to the inner worlds. Going into the dolmen was an experience of going into the womb of the Divine Mother for rebirth and new life.

We have been in the room of the goddess by going into this place. There are many of ...

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Dromberg Stone Circle Meditation


This is one of the best stone circles in Ireland because it has a recumberant stone with ancient initiation points that is lying down. Usually these are only found in northern Scotland. There are only 2 or 3 of them in Ireland. This also tells us this is a very ancient Atlantean setup and has been used as a point for grounding the light since the dawn of time. Merlin asked John to ...

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Hill of Tara Meditation


The stone here on the Hill of Tara grounds interstellar and intergalactic energies. It has an energy matrix to process the energy as it comes in. In the old days, it was the center of Irish goddess worship. This site is as important as Giza and others. In Irish mythology, this is the entrance to the underworld, the “land of the little people”. The little people are under this hill ...

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Meditation at St. Brigid’s Well in Kildare


This is one of Ireland’s well known holy healing places where many miraculous healings have occurred. The meditation is to ask Brigid to assist us in facilitating our healing and facilitate the healing of all nations on the planet in accordance with Divine Will.

Good day. I am the energy known as Brigid. I hold a welcome for you in my heart. When I was incarnate in this world, I ...

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Energy Sustenance Meditation

GaianSoulLightAscensionIn Hindu philosophy, Brahma is the creator and Vishnu is the sustainer. We are clearing planetary consciousness and bringing in the abundance of the universe. Open your hearts and affirm, in accordance with your I AM Presence and Divine Will, we are open to let go of any energies not for our highest good. Call in the Mahatma energy, clearance teams, and the Universal and Galactic Beings. ...

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Meditation at Armageddon


Armageddon or Megiddo, Israel, according to the book, Keys of Enoch, by James J. Hurtak, will be the place of the final balance between darkness and light. Armageddon is on the same flat plain as Mt. Tabor where we were yesterday. Under the land is a massive 6-pointed Star of David made from copper, again according to Keys of Enoch. Our task is to do another activation of ...

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Forgiveness Meditation


“Your sins are forgiven” (book of John). “Pick up your bed and go”. What does this mean to us now in the 21st Century. Although we aren’t lying down and we can walk, in some ways we are still paralyzed. Our minds are paralyzed. We have an inability to think outside our conditioning and an inability to keep moving forward and following our realizations and living the energy ...

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When we were waiting here for the Romans to come to take me, for the other disciples with me it was an emotional time. For me, myself, I had some mixed feelings and emotion. For me, personally, it was no surprise this was about to happen because it was all part of my own cosmic plan. From what is written in the Bible, people tend to blame Judas ...

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