Meditation with Merlin, upgrade

maxresdefaultPlease allow your attention to go to your sacred heart.

Good morning, fellow magicians. This is the voice of Merlin. I won’t spend time telling you why we will upgrade. You have been given so much information from so many different angles that actually your egos must have some inclination that change is continuous and necessary.

We are going to link with the Sacred Hearts. I’m going to take you on a journey to ...

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Merlin on Crystal mandalas

crystalgrid.5110625_std“M” Star or Merkabah Mandalas (or Merlin stars if you like) in the shape of what you may know as the Star of David, are very easy to build using Quartz crystals.

To make the star draw two equilateral triangles to whatever size you wish to make the Mandala. Sit one triangle on top of the other to form the Star of David. You now have six points at which to place your ...

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Merlin’s Earth Magic


Some beings present in this group have been recently active in the construction of crystal mandalas. Your work is to be commended. Your work is necessary, it is useful and it is right and true. I encourage you to keep on with this work, and to follow through your feelings, follow through your guidance that you may continue to bring Light into the body of the Earth Mother. You may ...

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purple-heart-magic-evilThis is a question and answer session with Merlin, channelled by John Armitage. Questions by Kathleen Murray, in the Sanctuary at the Mahatma Temple of Light in Rhynie, Scotland on the 22nd November 1997.


K.M. Greetings Merlin. What have you got to share with us today?

I have, if you require it, all the knowledge in creation- of past, present and future, because ...

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King Arthur & Merlin: Sword and Chalice Meditations

images (10)HARIDAS: Arthur was here, he is an Ascended Master the same as Merlin.  Arthur was here incarnated in a human body to bring together a group of people to hold the light and to hold the love energy on this island during a very dark period of time in history.  Arthur was trained by Merlin.  Merlin was his teacher and mentor.

Merlin was not very easy on Arthur, ...

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